Something will go here one day soon...Gaiety, merriment and dancing, etc.


Regular visitors here will have noticed the refurbishment is taking longer than expected.  This is mainly due to me getting very hooked on tracing my family history, which seems to have more skeletons than a medieval plague pit, and as many black sheep as a farm with several black sheep. 

Read about it here.



Winter 2015 - This site is undergoing major updating.  In the next 60 minutes, be prepared for anything!  One day, all the pages will look new.  It is a major project updating the hundreds of pages, and it will be a slow process.  You can still contact us here

The HOMEPAGE is now named index.html

What We’ve Been Up To is now named what_we-ve_been_up_to.html

You can still get the index: Full index.

Hopefully, old pages will not just disappear...

If you do find an error or bad link, I really welcome your comments.  You can still contact us here.


I started this web site in about 1998.  As of Autumn 2016 it is getting its biggest ever refurbishment. 

My goals are to include more current information, more pictures, no dead links, consistent format and typeface, better readability on more screens, and to get rid of characters that display badly.  But no free beer.

It is a bit untidy and experimental ...but just wait...

Text first, then pictures to be replaced.

Then the missing links.